Lab Guide 1 - Multi-vendor


Virtual Networks

Virtual networks (VN) are collections of L2 forwarding domains. In an Apstra-managed fabric, a virtual network can be constructed using either VLANs or VXLANs.

Routing Zones (RZ) consist of VRFs that provide for segregation of overlay VNs in our EVPN topology. Each Layer 3 virtual network is associated with a VRF to provide isolation of the tenant network. This lab’s focus is an MP-EBGP EVPN datacenter, so the VNs we create will use VXLAN and traverse all racks.

Create Routing Zone

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Routing Zones and click Create Routing Zone.


  2. Name the VRF Finance and leave the remaining fields empty, which allows the values to be assigned from a resource pool. Select the Default_immutable routing policy, which affects the route-maps that Apstra applies to the RZ. Leave all other fields in their default settings. bld_create_rz_details.png

Assign Resources to Routing Zone

  1. Now, we need to assign the resources to the RZ where the red tabs are indicating. Edit the fields as you have done in earlier exercises. Use the pools listed in the table below for these assignments.

    Table 1. Table Assign Resources to Routing Zone
    Resource Requirement Resource Pool

    Finance: Leaf Loopback IPs


    EVPN L3 VNIs



  2. Your screen should now appear as the image below. bld_rz_resources_complete.png

Enable DHCP Server for Routing Zone

  1. Click the Finance RZ name in the table to reveal the details of this instance. You can see the resources that have now been allocated to this RZ. bld_RZ_details_dhcp.png

  2. In the routing zone details view, click the Assign DHCP Servers button. bld_rz_assign_dhcp_server.png

  3. In the dialog that appears, enter the DHCP server IP address, then click Update. bld_rz_assign_dhcp_server_address.png

  4. Click the yellow Uncommitted tab to view our staged changes. After viewing the details, we will click Commit. In the dialog that appears, enter the revision description "Added Finance routing zone", then click Commit. Your blueprint will now be updated with the changes.

Update Connectivity Template for New Routing Zone

We now need to update the Connectivity Template created earlier to support the new routing zone we have just created. This allows the VNs in the routing zone to have connectivity with the outside world.

  1. Navigate to Staged > Connectivity Templates and click the edit button to the right of the external_router_peering that we created earlier.


  2. Select the Primitives tab then click IP LInk and the BGP Peering (Generic System) to add these primitives to the existing CT. You should now see two groups of parameters each representing VRF peering with the external router.


  3. Now, select the Parameters tab and add the following configuration to the newly added primitives.

    Table 2. Table Update Connectivity Template
    Property Value

    IP Link (hover over the name to reveal the Edit icon)


    IP Link (now called ip_link_finance)

    Select drop down arrow

    Routing Zone


    Interface Type



    2 (2 shows in the field, but you must enter it)

    BGP Peering (edit title)


    BGP Peering (now called bgp_peering_finance)

    Select drop down arrow

    Keep Alive Timer (sec)


    Hold Time Timer (sec)


  4. Click Update.

  5. A new resource tab is now present for Finance: To Generic Link IPs because of our CT additions. Navigate to Staged > Virtual > Routing Zones and you will see the red tab for this resource. Edit this tab and assign the external-router pool, like you have done previously.


Create Virtual Network: finance-www

We will now create a overlay network in the Finance routing zone. This type of overlay VN is often used to support a traditional three-tier web application.

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Virtual Networks and click Create Virtual Network.


  2. Enter/select values as shown in the table below.

    Table 3. Table finance-www VXLAN Values
    Parameters Value





    Routing Zone


    VNI ID

    leave blank

    VLAN ID (on leafs)

    leave blank

    DHCP Service


    IPv4 Connectivity


    IPv4 Subnet

    Virtual Gateway IP

    Create Connectivity Template for



  3. Scroll down to the Assigned To section and select all racks. Leave the VLAN ID fields blank to allow Apstra to automatically assign the VLAN number.

  4. Click Create to create the virtual network and return to the list view. The new finance-www virtual network appears in the list. We’ll need to assign resources for it. We’ll do that after creating a couple more virtual networks, then we will assign resources to all three VNs with one transaction.

Create Virtual Network: finance-app

  1. Click Create Virtual Network.

  2. Enter/select values as shown in the table below.

    Table 4. Table finance-app VXLAN Parameters
    Parameter Value





    Routing Zone


    VNI ID

    leave blank

    VLAN ID (on leafs)

    leave blank

    DHCP Service


    IPv4 Connectivity


    IPv4 Subnet

    Virtual Gateway IP

    Create Connectivity Template for


  3. Scroll down to the Assigned To section and select all racks. Leave the VLAN ID fields blank to allow Apstra to automatically assign the VLAN number.

  4. Click Create to create the virtual network and return to the list view. The new finance-app virtual network appears in the list view.

Create Inter-rack VXLAN (finance-db)

  1. Click Create Virtual Networks.

  2. Enter/select values as shown in the table below.

    Table 5. Table finance-db VXLAN Values
    Parameters Value





    Routing Zone


    VNI ID

    leave blank

    VLAN ID (on leafs)

    leave blank

    DHCP Service


    IPv4 Connectivity


    IPv4 Subnet

    Virtual Gateway IP

    Create Connectivity Template for


  3. Scroll down to the Assigned To section and select all switches. Leave the VLAN ID fields blank to allow Apstra to automatically assign the VLAN number.

  4. Click Create to create the virtual network and return to the list view. The new finance-db virtual network appears in the list view.


Assign Resources to Virtual Networks

  1. Click the red status indicator next to one of the required resources, then click the Update assignments button to see available resource pools.

  2. Select the pools as specified in the table below for the required resource that you are assigning.

    Table 6. Table Resources to Virtual Networks
    Resource Requirement Resource Pool

    VNI Virtual Network IDs


    VTEP IPs


  3. Click the Save button. When the resource has been successfully assigned, the red status indicator turns green.


Assign Virtual Networks to Server Interfaces

When we created the VNs, we chose the option to automatically create a tagged CT in the process. Recall that CTs contain protocol details that are necessary for links between Generic Systems and switches. It’s now time that we apply the CTs to the appropriate interfaces.

  1. Navigate to Staged > Connectivity Templates and you will see the three new CTs in the VN creation process.


  2. Select the Assign icon for the Tagged VxLAN 'finance-app' connectivity template. Check the select box to the right of all interfaces not greyed out. Since this is for server assignment leave the interfaces tagged with "Router" unchecked.


  3. Click the Assign button and repeat these steps for the two remaining CTs.

Deploy VXLANs

  1. Click Uncommitted to see the new virtual networks listed in the Logical Diff tab. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, click the Full Nodes Diff tab and explore the extensive details of everything that will be added to the design.


  2. Click Commit, and enter the description "Added virtual networks", then click Commit to commit changes to the Active blueprint and deploy the new networks.

  3. Recall that we had Cloudlabs perform an update to update the external router. This action applies the settings to enable peering with the leaf pair, within each virtual network.


  4. Click Add Configuration, enter apstra-pod1 or yourname-pod1, if it is not pre-populated. Click Submit. The new peerings will automatically be configured.

Check Server Connectivity

  1. Return to the Apstra CloudLabs portal where we started the topology at the beginning of this lab.

  2. Scroll down to the VMs section, click Connect and open a terminal. Use the credentials for aztp-vm1 found in the table.


  3. Enter 3 to connect to leaf1_server1. If you are asked if you want to continue connecting, enter yes.


  4. Enter the password for leaf1_server1 (admin).

  5. run sudo dhclient -r && sudo dhclient. This process takes a moment for interfaces to obtain an IP address.

  6. Make sure eth1.3 received an address via DHCP after rebooting with the command: ip -4 -o addr show eth1.3.

  7. Repeat the dhclient reboot process for the remaining servers if they have not obtained an IP address already on interface eth1.3.

  8. Ping the other servers to confirm that you receive responses. For example: To connect to leaf2_server1, ping 172.20.yoursubnet#.8. (To stop pinging press ctl-c.)

Check Inter-network Connectivity

  • Ping the other networks.

    1. ping -I eth1.3

    2. ping -I eth1.3

    3. ping -I eth1.3

Milestone 3

If you received responses via ping, then you have successfully reached Milestone 3.
