Part 8 - Apstra Devices in Terraform

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What are Devices in Apstra?

Devices are exactly what you might think they are, the most basic Device that you might use to build a Data Center. Devices are the switches that build the Data Center Network and are managed by Apstra using Agents. These devices need to be added to Apstra and an Agent installed, but we have already done this for you, saving you the time and effort.

Acknowledge the devices in the Apstra UI.

Successful Blueprint creation is dependent upon adding devices to the blueprint. To accomplish this task we need to acknowledge the devices already added to the cloudlabs environment.

  1. Navigate to Devices → Managed Devices and select all of the devices. select all devices

  2. When you have selected to acknowledge the systems you can confirm it with the following dialog confirm ack systems

    We also need to copy all the Device Keys into a file to include into our blueprint, so do not navigate away from this screen for the time being and move on to the next step.