API Fundamentals Lab

Different API Types

There are several different types of APIs, each with its own characteristics and uses. Some of the most popular API architectural styles include:

  1. REST API: A REST (REpresentational State Transfer) API is a type of API that relies on a few guiding principles, such as a client-server architecture and simple, uniform interfaces, to communicate between systems. REST APIs are very common in modern applications and are designed to be easy to use and flexible.

  2. Webhooks: A webhook is an event-based API that allows one system to send messages to another system anytime a particular event occurs. Unlike REST APIs, which require the client to initiate communication, webhooks are initiated by the server and are often referred to as "reverse APIs." Webhooks are commonly used in continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflows and cloud SaaS applications.

  3. SOAP API: A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) API is a more structured and formalized API that uses an XML-based messaging protocol with Envelope, Header, and Body tags. SOAP APIs are reliable and trusted, but can be slower than other types of APIs. While most modern applications have moved away from using SOAP-based APIs, there are still many legacy API implementations that use SOAP.