Lab Guide 1 - Juniper

Intent-Based Analytics - Probe Basics

Instantiate Predefined IBA Probe

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Analytics > Probes, click Create Probe and select Instantiate Predefined Probe.


  2. Enter/select values as shown in the table below. Leave other values as they are.

    Table 1. Table Packet Discard Percentage Probe
    Parameter Value

    Predefined Probe

    Packet discard percentage

    Probe Label

    Packet discard percentage

    Discard Percent Threshold


  3. Click Create to create the probe and go to the Packet discard percentage details view.


  4. Watch for the two green labels to appear that confirm that the status of the probe is operational and that no anomalies exist.


Stopping and Starting IBA Probe

  1. Click the Probes tab to return to the list view.

  2. To stop an enabled probe, click the Enabled toggle off.

  3. To start a disabled probe, click the Enabled toggle on.
